Oh no! The dreaded Coronavirus affecting daily life in 2020 and now into 2021.
Updated July 7th 2021:
We are getting closer to a “new normal”
Things are getting better, there is a feeling that we are slowly getting there - I’ve had both my jabs now! Who would have thought, that we would get so excited about a vaccination.
The Spanish Prime Minister said in May, that he anticipates 70% of the population will be vaccinated by 18th August 2021.
We now don't need to wear face masks everywhere, they are only needed if you cant maintain a 2m distance. Social distancing is still here, as is hand sanitisers at the entrance to bars and shops. Table service remains, you still can't stand at the bar.
Largely though the restrictions have eased. Although there is a fear of a 5th wave spreading through Spain and at this stage, no-one knows how that will impact life.
It is starting to get busier around the area, although with travel restrictions still in place, its not as busy as a normal summer. We still don't know if Spain will get onto the UK Governments green list this summer, but to be honest the incident rate is higher in the UK than here in Spain, so it's probably just as well people cant flock in. Although that is small comfort to hoteliers; bar owners etc. who have had a pretty torrid time of it in 2020 and now 2021.
The question on everyones lips is:
"Do I need to change my plans to move to Spain?"
Whilst the Pandemic affecting daily life in 2020 and now into 2021 is inconvenient / disruptive etc. the reasons you decided in 2019 that Spain would be your home remains.
None of that has changed, only our way of dealing with the Pandemic has changed / affected us.

The reasons why Spain remains a great destination to buy your holiday home / forever home remains the same.
Namely: The climate; the beaches; the relaxed lifestyle; the cheaper cost of living - none of these have changed.
Spain had one of the toughest lockdowns in the EU as a means of fighting the virus. We had a lockdown that was unprecedented, during our initial lockdown (March 2020) we were only allowed to go to the supermarket or pharmacy. We endured roadblocks set up by the Police - it was tough!
To my mind, that hasn't affected our decision to move here. If anything it makes us realise we made the right decision. I would rather be living in Spain, compared to the UK or even America. (In normal times, we love the States, but not at the moment!) - That last bit was written in 2020 when Trump was President - we hope to get over there in 2022 but are holding off booking at the moment.
What about the market?
Property that was already on the market, is still For Sale. (7th July 2021) Obviously though there are fewer people looking to buy, no doubt that will change.
Generally at the moment, there is very little in the way of new instructions, so your choice is possibly limited.
What will happen to Spanish house prices?
At this stage, I would say its all to play for. Your cheeky offer might be accepted. It all depends why people wanted to sell in the first place.
I would say the amount of new-build properties will probably slow for the next couple of years, but that's not a bad thing.
If the airline industry says it is going to take them at least 5 years to get back to pre-Covid levels, then the chances are that this could affect the number of people coming out to Spain looking to buy.
Your dream property awaits:
Location: Where do you want to be?
How much do you want to spend €
How many Bedrooms?
What else is on the essential list?
Before travelling to Spain:
NOTE: The regulations about travelling to Spain have changed regularly during the Pandemic. Please ensure you check the latest travel information from the UK Foreign office.
You will need to complete this form at least 48hrs before arriving - one form per person: https://www.spth.gob.es
You will also need to have a test for Covid, no more than 72 hours before arriving in Spain.
Facemarks: Are now mandatory in all of Spain, where a minimum of 2m can not be maintained. Plus they must be worn inside shops etc. Don't worry, you will soon get used to them.
Note: Failure to wear a facemark could land you with a €1000 fine - on the spot.
To reiterate - this hasn't changed our view of Spain; its still a great place to live.
If you want to view property today, use the contact me page to send your details over and I will sort the rest out.
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Neal Ball updated July 7th 2021
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